Agust Caffè
Augusto and Mariarosa Corsini newlyweds open a little coffee workshop. The first packets, at that time, report the slogan: “the smallest roaster…the best coffee”. From then on many things have changed…many, but not the passion and handicraft care for good coffee. Agust coffee is growing in popularity in the local market and the increasing demands of coffee require the Corsini family to relocate to create bigger production department and a storehouse. The company moves just outside Brescia in a 500 sq.m. building. In October of 1967 Caffè Agust recruits 6 sellers. Caffè Agust celebrates its first 60 years with a great event in the centre of Brescia and through the launch of new products like single-origin coffee and the new blend for coffee filter “IlFiltrato”. At the same time was born the project of the new website of the company, which includes also the first Agust e-commerce.
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